解密 Decoded Episode Recap - Episode 2

Rong Jin Zhen and the principal discuss about yesterday's events.
Rong Jin Zhen asks the president what he should do about the job offer. 
The principal tells hims to ignore the recruiter, and reflects back on the past saying to his wife that he regrets not letting Rong Jin Zhen go to America to study with his professor.

The director and Chief Lei Ting discuss the new recruits.
Chief Lei Ting has recruited three new members for Unit 701:
  • Meng Xiao Yun - quick hands, super good hearing (can hear the wind blowing)
  • Yan Shi - Super maths student
  • Pan Sen - very good anti-reconnaissance capabilities - previous police officer
The director also makes a recommendation to recruit Zhai Li to unit 701 who has photographic memory.

Meanwhile it seems Chief Zheng Dan has lost interest in Zhao Qi Rong due to the rejection of the job offer. Not long after, Chief Zheng Dan receives a message demanding he return within 24 hours to Unit 701. While he is gone, Zhao Qi Rong searches Zheng Dan's bag and finds a gun and wonders what Zheng Dan's job really is. He is stopped by Zheng Dan, who says he is hired as personal bodyguard to Rong Jin Zhen. Not wanting to miss out on the opportunity for the maths genius, he heads back to persuade the principal to let him go. That night, everyone cannot sleep as they know Rong Jin Zhen will be leaving them. The principal's wife, and daughter stay up all night making dumplings for Rong Jin Zhen.

The next morning, Rong Jin Zhen and his family enjoy their last meal together. The principal's wife hands him a jade bracelet to give to his future wife (saying she may not be able to attend or see his wedding).

While on the road, the trio (Zheng Dan, Zhao Qi Rong and Rong Jin Zhen) stop by the forest, and are ambushed by a nature clad fellow. Zheng Dan asks him (Han Bing) to come to Unit 701 with them. Han Bing refuses to go with them saying his father cowardly let his mom be buried alive.

The trio leaves, and are suddenly ambushed by enemy agents. Luckily Han Bing saves them in time.
Zheng Dan commends Han Bing on his bravery and says he is a true hero. Unfazed, Han Bing leaves again.

Later as they are driving away, Han Bing suddenly appears in front of their vehicle. This time he has decided to join the group.

Upon arriving at the Unit 701 Base, they are greeted by An Neng who chides Zheng Dan for being so late. Zheng Dan explains that they were ambushed by enemy agents.

Zhao Qi Rong, and Han Bing are lead away by Zheng Dan, while still sleeping Rong Jin Zhen is left to An Neng. After several attempts to wake him up without much success An Neng carries Rong Jin Zhen (princess style LOL)

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